myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics Totally Biased Book and Movie Review: Pirates of the Caribbean : At World's End Movie Review

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Pirates of the Caribbean : At World's End Movie Review

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End

Starring: Johnny Depp, Keira Knightly, Orlando Bloom, Geoffrey Rush

Directed by: Gore Verbinski

Rated: PG-13 for intense sequences of action/adventure violence and some frightening images

168 minutes

Soooo, yo ho hum, I finally went to the movies this last weekend, to see the third and (final? ‘bsolutely NOT, I don’t believe it) Pirates of the Caribbean movies, At World’s End. I will begin by warning you that this movie is long. So if you are going to the theater to watch it, prepare to have a numb butt and be sick of popcorn after 2 hours and forty odd minutes has passed. Your pop will be little more than a splash of liquid with all the ice melted and no fizz left, I tell you. If you’re going to wait until it comes out on DVD, well, that’s just fine but be prepared to watch it while lively and filled with caffeine because, like I said, it’s long, and NO movie can be action-packed and empty of boredom for two hours and forty eight minutes. Unless it’s the LOTR movies I guess, I don’t remember being bored in those, but… hell, I’m sure someone was. According to this path of logic, there are probably some who found every minute of At World’ End riveting. Those Johnny Depp Nuts who find his prancing, princing, preening Jack Sparrow the most fascinating man on film. Alas, I am not one of them, Sparrow is amusing, but not the subject of any fantasy in this particular head, and the point of this rambling paragraph? Yes, there were slow spots in the film. There were actually long, dragging spots, making me wince painfully as I saw them limp across the screen, wounded animals that should have been put out of their misery.

Yet for all the tiny troubles with this film, it was entertaining. Grand, swashbuckling adventure, mateys, right from the get-go. The first good thing to be said of it is that within not very many of those long minutes into it, we get to see Chow-Yun Fat. Who is a big fan of his? Oh yeah, that’s right- ME AM. Elizabeth Swann is as kick-ass and bold as you could want a feminine character in a third pirate movie to be. Wil Turner, the guy she loves (for some unknown reason, although once Orlando Bloom dresses like a pirate, it’s much, much easier to see why) and she have their tempestuous relationship as usual. Barbossa, the bad guy in the first’s Pirate’s film, is now an unlikely ally of the two as they make crazy plans to go to the Land of Death, to Davy Jones’s locker, precisely, bring back Jack Sparrow, who is needed.

Why is he needed? Well, because he is one of the Pirate Lords. And a bunch of people started singing. Although this is not exactly explained in the film, there is a definite thread of reason in those two sentences. You’ll just have to trust me. And why is he in the Locker (which you will see is a particularly horrifying level of Boring Hell)? Because he was killed whilst battling the Kraken, by duplicitous Elizabeth’s manacling of his wrist to a blowing-up-boat. That is the entire plot explaining you’re going to get from me. I know, not much of an explanation. But I figure you have all seen this on DVD by now.

…And although there is not a whole lot of explaining about the Pirate Lords and why they have to get together for a sleepover, it becomes clear as the film rolls on. It’s gonna be Good Guys versus Bad Guys, in a big ol’ showdown. It is up to the viewer to decide on whom the good and bad are, I guess, because traditionally, it was the pirates who were like raping and killing and burning people to death. The soldiers were, you know, to stop them from doing that to normal citizens. But happily, not a whole lot of burning happens in this film. There are numerous fight scenes, with flashing, dashing swords as choreographed as the best dance team in Hollywood, but not a lot of blood, and the gross-out factor of the film is due more to the character’s appearances than any violence quota. I am sorry to be such a wimp, but I had to turn my head away whenever Davy Jones and his writhing, tentacled head appeared. I swear the guy looked like he was covered with protruding, breathing, butt holes.

LOL. Did I really just type that?

Why yes I did, and it stays.

We gradually learn that the main plan of the meeting of the pirate lords is to decide what to do about Lord Cutler Beckett, who has control of Mr. I’ve Got a Breathing Brain-sac Dangling Under My Hat Davy Jones’s heart. And is using him to terrorize all the pirates on the seas. See, Beckett is undoubtedly a bad guy in the film, but I think he was a pretty cool customer. I kind of admired him, his icy wit and quick thinking. Even in this film, where he gets his comeuppance, so to speak, he goes out like the coolest Clint Eastwood character you could think of.

There is a long, convoluted plot line about Calypso, the sea goddess who all of these people apparently trapped a long time ago, in human form. This gives the film-makers the chance to run Tia Delma through her paces, and let me tell you, the weird woman is not any easier to understand in this film than the last one. She goes around with her smudged mouth and dotted face, warning in a dire voice things like, “Me senses that ye hiven’t got de thikin ye need t’ do dis terreeble ting. Bewayre! Beeewayre!!!!” Yes indeed, this is the goddess Calypso, we soon find out she was once lover of Davy Jones, and a whole lotta time is spent in explaining her storyline, and how they (The Pirate Lords) cannot decide whether or not to free her.

K, Let me just spoil this for you. They do free her. Does she go stomping off, hurling firebolts at the soldiers? Rip the head off Beckett? Turn her wrath on the pirates? Nope, she turns into a bunch of crabs and disappears.

No I am not kidding. She just disappears. I guess the storm that happens next is supposed to be her doing, but there isn’t any proof of that, and what is the point, I ask, since it doesn’t really help either side? Plus, we never get any satisfying answers about her and Davy, and if they are reunited. And most importantly, if he loses his waving face for good once he is with her. So, what, I ask again, was the point?

So and so is betraying this person, and that guy is betraying them, and this dude is sneaking around behind his ands her back and he is secretly meeting with the other person. Sounds confusing? I know. Add to this twisting storyline the garbled speech of a lot of the characters- their pirate speak was sometimes actually unintelligible to me- and you have, if not a deep movie that will make you think about who you are and who you want to be, at the very least a movie that will make you laugh, and yearn to run away to sea. Um, provided that you get to be one of the fortunate few who have sparkling white, even smiles, as compared to the other 98% of the characters, with their blackened, missing, and sometimes moldy-looking teeth. Why does a blacksmith like Wil Turner have such wonderful dentistry, I wonder? Why does Jack Sparrow, alone among pirates, not have a moldy-mouth and rotten stubs of teeth? Is there some Pirate God of Teeth who looks down and chooses the best looking men to keep their pearly whites? If so, Toothly Toothfulness, that god, does no one else any favors, so unless you are dashing and handsome, I’d advise against the whole running off to sail experience or you’ll end up with a mouth that looks like a sewer hole.

And possibly buttholes on your face.

The movie does however, I must say, have a strange Unexpected Twist of an Ending, and it was really this that redeemed the whole show for me. Give me a non-typical ending that sparks my imagination, and I will like the movie a whole lot better. It was no different with this one.

I give this 3 and a half ands…

&… Jack Sparrow. Even if you try not to like him, he is an appealing character, though noticeably less appealing in this installment, but that is the nature of sequels.

&…. Did I mention that Chow Yun Fat is in this? Yea, o Great one, he the crouching tiger, he the dragon that hides.

&… I have to say the choreography really was eye-bending. Those fight scenes were a blast.

Half an & for Elizabeth Swann’s outfits.

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