myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics Totally Biased Book and Movie Review

Friday, July 14, 2006

So let's get something straight, right here from the get-go.
This is MY BLOG.
This is the Totally Biased Book and Movie Review.
It's not his blog, or her blog, or the neighborhood blog. It's not the Blog of Public Opinion. This is the blog belonging only to me, and expressed in it will be my views. Crazy concept, I know, but since this is not my first blog, nor will it probably be my last, I'm familiar enough with the strange phenomenon where readers of the blog suddenly feel that everything the blog-writer says must somehow agree with the reader's basic philosophy on some level, or, well, the blog writer is probably, very sadly, deluded and/or evil.
I am neither deluded, at least on these subjects (books and movies) nor am I evil, although there are many who would love to debate that. Even if they'd like to debate it, the fact remains that this is not the place to do it.
Again, my blog.
My opinions.
My reading material choices
and my movie picks.
Note the title. It clearly says "Biased". Let's define biased, shall we?

1.To influence in a particular, typically unfair direction; prejudice.

That means I'm coming at it from my viewpoint and no one else's.
Not that your comments aren't welcome, because of course they are. Feel free to email me, as well. Email is always welcome. Rudeness, however, is not. I have been astonished in the past at the level of rudeness people feel free to display toward strangers on the internet, so let's surprise me again and not have that here.
I have a motto that goes:Be Nice Twice. I try to always follow that. If I have been nice twice and you continue to be rude, well, I'll get an expression on my face like the one pictured above. Ok, maybe I'm not really frightening-looking, per say. But I have a hell of a squint. And I won't be afraid to aim it at you. Me, squinting at your rudeness. Not fun for either of us...Now let's get on with it.

Here's how it is. I judge everything I read on the Reading Rainbow. Don't know what that is? That's not really surprising considering that I made it up. Let's talk about it for a second.

The Reading Rainbow Scale of Goodness

It is really very simple. Rainbows go in colors from red to purple, or vice versa, however you choose to look at a rainbow. Personally, I like to look at mine from a headstand position. You get the point. You've got your red, your orange, your yellow, your green, your blue, your purple (or indigo-whatever) and all of the colors in between. I learned the colors of the rainbow in first grade and I'm not likely to forget them anytime soon. So the Reading Rainbow works in this way: Red is the best, purple is the worst. Shades in between are in between goodness levels. I think you can figure it out from there, eh? But just to make it more difficult I'm going to tell you that I love pink. Yessir, I'm a girly-girl and I like pink. So if something is judged pink, than baby, that's better than good, that's great!

And that's all. It really is. So onward and upward with my brand new blog-launching.... Welcome to Meowkaat's Totally Biased Book and Moive Review.


Blogger Bitty said...

Thank you for sending me this way.

Based on this alone, this should be fun:

I have a motto that goes:Be Nice Twice. I try to always follow that. If I have been nice twice and you continue to be rude, well, I'll get an expression on my face like the one pictured above. Ok, maybe I'm not really frightening-looking, per say. But I have a hell of a squint. And I won't be afraid to aim it at you. Me, squinting at your rudeness. Not fun for either of us...Now let's get on with it.

I'll work to be on my best behavior.

This reminds me that I'd love to write a blasting review of the old John Grisham book The Rainmaker (book -- I never saw the movie) but then I'd have to read the book to refresh myself on it, and that would turn me suicidal for sure.

12:37 PM  
Blogger Scott Stambler said...

you do have a way with words. and that picture - i kinda like it.


9:50 PM  

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